Home Improvement

Common AC Problems: What’s the Fix?

There’s always a “fix-it” type of service available, like AC repair service in Sacramento CA, for example. When it comes to air conditioning, they are such popular peaces of technology to instal in a home in America, that’s it’s no wonder how much maintenance work it take to keep every unit operational. 

Some issues with AC performance are more common than others. In this quick guide, we will review the main complications one might face with an air conditioning unit at home, as well as some recommendations for how to address it.

Air Conditioning at Home

An AC unit is designed to remove the heat and moisture from the interior of a home in order to improve the comfort of living. About 87% of the US households have some form of air conditioning. Professional teams of technicians like Alpha Mechanicals help to instal suitable units in the houses.

It’s no rocket science, if you are not devling into the technical details: the air conditioning process is basically used to achieve a more comfortable indoor environment. For both domestic and commercial environments.

There are several types of AC systems available on the market today:

  1. Central unit. This system is the most likely to be seen in larger homes. It uses a split system, with an outdoor unit holding the condenser and compressor, and an indoor unit having the evaporator coils. Central AC systems are known to be able to cool entire homes well.
  2. Ductless mini-split system. These systems are perfect for homes without any ductwork. They have an outdoor compressor unit and one or more indoor air-handling units, each connected by a conduit. In this way, each individual room can have their own temperature control.
  3. Window units. These are self-contained air conditioners that are installed in windows or through walls. They are best suited for cooling single rooms or small spaces.
  4. Portable conditioners. These are standalone units that can be moved from room to room. They remove the warm air from the room through a hose connected to a window or a special opening.
  5. Hybrid conditioners. Those alternate between using electricity and fuels to save energy and reduce costs.
  1. Geothermal heating and cooling. These systems use the constant temperature of the earth to heat and cool a home. They perform very well, but can be expensive to install.

The choice of a unit heavily depends on the circumstances and living conditions, not to mention aspects like budgeting and availability. It is important to have a consultation with a team of professionals like Alpha Mechanicals in order to better understand, what solution would be best to your situation.

Common Issues with ACs

There are plenty of common problems that you can run into with your AC. After all, about 20% of units break within the first 5 years of exploitation, in one way or another. So here are the main challenges you can encounter:

  • AC doesn’t turn on;
  • AC blows warm air;
  • airflow is insufficient;
  • AC leaks water;
  • weird noises;
  • cycling on and off frequently;
  • bad smell;
  • high humidity level.

If an air conditioner does not turn on, the are a few options. The problem can be with the power, first of all. Another reason could be the thermostat acting up and causing issues. Or even a short-circuted circuit breaker. You can check the power supply, reset the thermostat, or very carefully inspect the electrical wirings. Any complicated procedures are better left for professional techs though.

If your AC blows warm air instead of cool, the are 3 possible causes to this. It might be because of the dirty air filters, low refrigerant level, or just straight up malfunctioning in the compressor. You can try cleaning the filters, as this should be the easiest task. Refilling the refrigerant and inspecting the compressor are once again better be left for technicians.

If the airflow just doesn’t blow properly, it can get very frustrating very quickly. This is usually caused by blocked air ducts, dirty filters, and broken blower motors. You can try cleaning or replacing air filters and clearing any debris in the air ducts

If your AC unit is leaking, it is usually bad news. It may got clogged inside the condensate drain. Another option is a broken drip pan, and low refrigerant once again. Generally, each of this problems is something that technicians will handle better. It’s just the matter of calling on them in time for basic maintenance, but if it’s too late—they will certainly help you repair your AC.

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Most of the weird noises from an air conditioner are usually created by some loose parts or debris within the unit, or the motor is on its way to complete failure. Some loose parts can simply be tightened, but others require cleaning the debris out or a professional to inspect it.

An AC turning on and off at frequent intervals could be due to a faulty thermostat, dirty filters, or an oversized unit. The possible ways to regulate its cooling cycle continuously are by adjusting the thermostat, cleaning or replacing the filters, and ensuring the appropriate size of the unit with respect to space.

Bad smells from your AC may be caused by mold and mildew inside your unit, dirty filters, or dead animals in your ductwork. Odor issues like these can be eliminated by cleaning or replacing your filters, getting your ducts cleaned, and ensuring proper drainage.

High humidity at your home may be a result of having an oversized AC unit, low refrigerant, or dirty coils. Properly sized units, refrigerant level checks, and cleaning coils all keep humidity under wraps.


As we can see, there is a wide array of common problems which can appear in a household air conditioning system. By identifying them quickly, you can prolong the lifespan of your system. There are certain things you can troubleshoot yourself, and for more complicated situations you can refer to professional technicians. It is much better and efficient to repair a simple damage in an AC, than waiting until it accumulates serious issues. 

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